Elevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. CWE is also working on Elevate WomEN, business incubation program supported by GoK. CWE is a comprehensive platform that offers women entrepreneurs.
Elevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. DERBI Foundation is a non-profit Technology Business Incubation Centre supported by the Department of Science Technology
Elevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. The GAIN is a Section-8, Not-for-Profit, global accelerator focused on impactful innovation, driven by the Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Elevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. GINSERV, like any other Startup, began its journey in 2010, with an eye on Nurturing and Acceleration of Startups in the area of information technology.
TElevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. The objective of setting up this cluster is to host ESDM entrepreneurs and invite other companies from surrounding areas
Elevate WomEN - Incubators and Accelerators. It is a State-of-the-art translational research and entrepreneurship centre catering to all the needs of start-ups